60 years of innovation, solidarity and engagement.
Together, let's keep writing our story!

With a surface area of almost 12,000 m², this building consolidates the School's historic roots in the Lille metropolitan area.
With its green roof terraces, wild bee nests, bird nesting boxes, connection to the urban heating network and advanced eco-design, this project is part of a sustainable approach designed to encourage the development of urban biodiversity.

With the opening of the “IÉSEG Village” in Lille and “Les Collines” in Paris - La Défense, IÉSEG is further enhancing the quality of its infrastructure, offering modernized campuses equipped with the latest technologies and adapted to new teaching methods.
With 28,000 m² of campus space in Lille and 23,000 m² in La Défense, right in the heart of Europe's leading business district, IÉSEG has a top-notch campus, up to international standards and offering students a quality learning experience.

After an exhaustive audit, which led the auditors to meet with the School’s administrative and academic teams, students, graduates and partner companies, IÉSEG has had its EQUIS and AACSB accreditations renewed for 5 years, the maximum possible duration, and confirms its status among the top schools holding the “Triple Crown” (EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA).

Jean-Philippe AMMEUX, Dean of IÉSEG since 1994, hands over to Caroline ROUSSEL after 28 years as head of IÉSEG.
Caroline ROUSSEL holds a PhD in Management Sciences, a DESCF and a Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, and has been a professor at IÉSEG since 2002. She has also held the positions of Head of Department and Director of Academic Development, before being appointed Academic Director of IÉSEG and Dean of Faculty in 2016. She had been Deputy Director of IÉSEG since 2020.

The result of a long process of co-creation that lasted over a year and involved the entire IÉSEG community, this new strategic plan is rooted in IÉSEG's DNA: academic excellence, proximity to companies, internationalization.
It is also the marker of a strong ambition: to be a key player in French and international higher education, playing an educational role but also much more.
IÉSEG's ambition is to contribute to the transformation of society in terms of environmental, social and economic issues. This new page in the School's history is based on solid fundamentals and a renewed ambition.

Launched in 2015, the Bachelor in International Business obtains the Grade de Licence from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, less than 6 years after its creation. This accreditation is a new milestone for this three-year program, focused on management and the world of international business.
Above all, IÉSEG is among the first business schools in France to be able to deliver a degree conferring the Grade de Licence.

As societal issues are increasingly complex, teaching and research must, now more than ever, draw on an interdisciplinary approach to tackle them from different angles.
Interdiscipinary learning enables students to link and give meaning to the knowledge acquired in all their courses, and to understand how they are closely interconnected in business through real-life cases or capstone projects, etc.

France ranks among the top 5 host countries for international students. To boost attractiveness, a comprehensive system has been put in place, including the creation of the “Welcome to France” label.
With the highest rating of 3 stars, IÉSEG is one of 89 schools awarded by Campus France.
This label recognizes the specific welcome services offered to international students upon their arrival in France and on IÉSEG campuses.

Obtaining the Grade de Master attests to the pedagogical and academic quality of these programs, the expertise of its teaching staff, the strong international and intercultural dimension and - an essential element for a school that prepares its students to become tomorrow's changemakers - the high employability of its graduates.
Developed to meet the needs of companies, IÉSEG now offers 13 Specialized Masters, in Finance, Digital Transformation, Fashion, Big Data, Digital Marketing, International Business, International Negotiation and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Located along the “la Promenade de l’Arche”, just a short distance from the original premises, the new building doubles the capacity of the School's Paris campus (for students and staff).
Today, more than 70,000 students from 30 higher education institutions come to study at La Défense every day, etc. An increase of 55% in 5 years!

By obtaining this 3rd international accreditation, IÉSEG joins the very select group of schools holding the “Triple Crown” (EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA).
Obtaining 3 international accreditations in 4 years (after EQUIS in 2012 and AACSB in 2013) demonstrates the School's dynamic approach. Above all, it is the recognition of the quality of IÉSEG's programs and a further step in the School's national and international development and recognition.

The EESPIG qualification, created by the Higher Education and Research Act in 2013, labels private, not-for-profit higher education institutions.
It certifies the quality of the institutions' teaching, their non-profit nature and their commitment to participating in the public service missions of higher education and research.
To date, 64 business and engineering schools hold this qualification.

Over an 18-month period, the entire IÉSEG community (employees, students, graduates, companies, etc.) committed to a Vision process to collectively imagine what IÉSEG will be like in 2025.
This collaborative process was based on an in-depth analysis of the school's strengths, areas for improvement, roots and values, and the identification of future trends.
This Vision (to be a unique, international hub that will train and nurture changemakers working for a better society) has never been more relevant than it is today!

IÉSEG was accredited EQUIS in 2012 and AASCB in 2013 for its high standards in management education. IÉSEG is the first post-baccalaureate business school to have this double international label.
This distinction rewards our international strategy of development and gives a worldwide recognition to the school.
This distinction allows IÉSEG to join the very closed circle of the elite of Schools of Management: only 1% of schools worldwide have this double accreditation.

Then Mobilis CEO Marc DELOZANNE was elected Chairman of the IÉSEG Board of Directors in November 24, 2011. He succeeded to Gérard Nalpas who had presided the School for 17 years.
Very involved in the School, Marc DELOZANNE supports IÉSEG dynamics at the International level as well as with businesses

To reinforce its international presence, IÉSEG has opened offices in India in 2009 followed by South East Asia in 2013, Latin America in 2016 and Africa in 2022.
These offices work to increase IÉSEG's notoriety, to recruit international students for the school and to develop relations with local firms and universities.

Before work on the Grande Arche campus was completed, IÉSEG opened in Boulogne-Billancourt. The School opened its Paris-La Défense campus in this iconic building, which is at the heart of Europe's largest business hub, in October 2009.
This new campus of 9,000 m² is a continuation of the School's development strategy as it strengthens the ties with companies located in the business district of La Défense and also increases the international visibility and reputation of the school.

IÉSEG is the first Business School involved in a CNRS Joint Research Unit.

In 1992, IESEG had only 13 international partnerships, etc. this figure is not at all representative of the objectives for international development. 14 years later in 2006, the school had more than 100 partnerships.
At present, the school has a network of more than 331 partner universities all over the world!

This figure has evolved a great deal in the last years as nowadays there are almost 8,000 students on both campuses.

From the middle of the 90s, IÉSEG particularly focuses on the international dimension.
While initiating various partnerships and the diversification in the teaching staff, the School develops its educational program: from now on in the 3rd year, all courses will be taught in English!

In 2003, IESEG acquired the grade of Master's degree from the Ministry of Higher Education & Research. This label is only delivered to five-year studies after the baccalaureate. It guarantees the high level of professional and academic skills of the school and gives an international recognition to the “Grande Ecole” diploma.
IÉSEG has renewed its grade of Master's degree every 6 year since 2003.

The Conférence des Grandes Écoles federates a large network of schools with common standards of excellence in curriculum, professional integration, links to business, innovation, international openness, societal and environmental impact, etc. It's a true label of quality!

In 1995, the school celebrates its 1000th graduation - a girl! A difficult stage for the school to reach when we remember that there were 9 students in the first school year.
Nowadays, IÉSEG's Alumni Network boasts over 15,000 members and is growing exponentially along with the School.

Jean-Philippe AMMEUX was a student at IÉSEG until 1978. He started his career at the school in 1979 as an assistant professor in Economic Sciences.
In 1984, he became a full professor and, 10 years after, he is appointed Dean of IÉSEG. He is a charismatic and dynamic director and is responsible for the massive internationalization of IÉSEG.

The construction of building A was an important moment in the history of IESEG. Before this, the School was on the Catholic University of Lille premises.
With the increase in staff and students, the new building was essential.

Following the official recognition of the school in 1976, IÉSEG received its first major certification called “VISA” by the Ministry of Higher Education.
This label enables the school to benefit from the State Guarantee, and enables the delivery of a IÉSEG Degree.

In order to match international standards, the 4-year program was redesigned to a 5-year program. Adding an extra year to the program presents many advantages, among which: a better knowledge, professional attitude and personal development acquisition process.

This official recognition from the French Ministry of Education the School's commitment to academic excellence and compliance with national national educational standards, offering students a learning environment a learning environment recognized and validated by the educational authorities.

Founded in 1964 by Michel FALISE, IÉSEG is linked to the Catholic University of Lille. The School has always had a logic of sustainable development and we still share the same values: Respect, Ambition, Rigor and Team Spirit.